Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
As you know Pearcey3 from years ago on an old rugger site that i'm no supporter of NuLabour [although Corbyn himself is old Labour, Parliamentary Labour is full of what I call Red Tories] but I would be the first to say that the press, plus disingenuous opponents of Labour and possibly some shady foreign powers that don't want Corbyn as Prime Minister are all doing a number on him.
I remember Labour doing a number on my team Plaid [ive always treated my politics like supporting a sports team] for years and years accusing them of all sorts of disingenuous sh*t and in my view damaging them at the polls, but two wrongs don't make a right and its not nice to see the way Corbyn is treated, obviously Plaid being the nicey nice party don't get involved in that nonsense.
It’s appalling and the BBC are compliant in all of this. Shame that rugby messageboard ended. It was a good site.