Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
Corbyn and his followers are in complete denial. If they appoint another with similar policies then they will struggle to gain power. Corbyn and his entire front bench need to go and be replaced by the decent Labour MPs on the back benches. If BREXIT goes wrong, as it might, then there could be a further election sooner than many think in which case Labour needs to reposition itself by coming forward with some more centralist policies and ditching the hard left which the public will never support.
Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
Perhaps voters don't react well to the EU and Labour trying to bribe them by throwing money at them and saw straight through it ? Contrary to popular belief, most voters are not stupid and would never support any party trying to bankrupt the Country, no matter how much they were gaining out of it personally.
The joy of government is that the people are stupid

That evil man Hitler said that and sadly there is more than a grain of truth in it