Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
The fact is in Cardiff , even tonight , a young girl is probably being abused by her father or step father or an uncle .......most sexual abuse takes place in the home by a relative

The reason said relative is not chucked out of the house or arrested by the police is that sex offenders are very manipulative and either threaten the young girl with violence to keep quiet or make her believe that she won't be believed if she tells anyone

She starts spending more and more time away from her house , scared of what's going to happen to her ......shes going to be abused for ****s sake ......or beaten .......and has nowhere to go

So she starts hanging around with the wrong crowd who introduce her to drugs , maybe just cannabis at first

Eventually she flees home and manages to get sub standard bedsit housing with a dodgy landlord who sometimes will have sex with her in return for some dope

Soon she gets a hit of cheap heroin and before you know it she's using it daily to escape the horror of her sexual abuse

And in no time she is addicted to the stuff and the only way to fund her habit is to steal or go on the game

This is the reality that the police , social services , the drug agencies and those who provide move on accommodation to these young people deal with every day

These people are not " druggies " , they have had awful upbringings ........and we are not talking about living on a tough estate or getting a belt off your old man for coming home late

These people are human beings with stories behind their addictions and they require help and support

A minority don't want it and they along with the dealers need locking up

You display an amazing lack of knowledge about what's going on and the easy spiral into addiction

I want my old dear to get good care but that should be in addition to other social care , including help for , as you call them , druggies
There is probably a case like that but how typical is she? There are probably 500 opiate addicts in Cardiff. That’s a rough estimate based that on national levels and the population of Cardiff. But how many of those 500 fit your case? That is, they are female AND they have been abused by a relative or stepdad AND they couldn’t tell the police AND they had to leave home because of the abuse AND they lived on the streets AND they took drugs to block the memory of the abuse AND they turned to prostitution to pay for the drugs. The answer that they probably form a small percentage of cases out of the 500 cases.

Two thirds of junkies are male so if sex abuse is a big cause of drug abuse then are you saying that most of these men have been sexually abused by family members?

If I was a homeless young women looking for accommodation from the council I would need to prepare a story for why I am more deserving than any of the others after the same accommodation. You understand that housing is a limited resource but you don’t seem to think the same about health care. The person with the saddest story gets the accommodation. Can you think of any useful sad stories? How about a very sad story involving a girl living among animals who had to flee her home because of an evil relative? Do you know any stories like that? Yes, you’ve got it. Snow White. No one gets more pity than Snow White. A junkie will say anything to get what they want.

I can just see Eric the half Bee reading this and thinking let’s ban this heartless idiot. "You are like a wasp at a picnic". Well done William That was funny. Poor Eric would have laughed at that once. I remember his funny stories. But, like all of us, he has grown old and sad.

Sludge, because I think money on druggies is wasted it doesn’t mean I want to pay less taxes or I am selfish. It is just that I want the money spent on these selfish zombies to be spent on sick children and others who are sick through no fault of their own. Money given to one means less given to the other. You don’t seem to understand that.