Back in 1990, i started dating a really pretty blonde called Rachel. We went out on a friday and were arranging the 'meet the friends/family bit the following day (well she was arranging anyway). I announced that i couldnt see her as i was off to see the City play at Lincoln.

I had the ultimatum of "me or Cardiff City"

I remember that game really well ! !

Another one, not quite a dumped story as she wasn't a girlfriend but a stranger.
I was on a ferry going to Ostend when this Chinese girl befriended me. I should have been flattered but she was instantly ridiculously clingy. Anyway once off the ferry, we both got on the train to Brussels. It seemed that wherever I said I was going...... she was heading there too..... I just couldn't shake her off !
The train pulled into Bruges when I told her I was getting off. I got off whilst she hurriedly grabbed her many cases & bagpacks to join me. I raced down the platform, got back on the train & hid. As the train pulled away from the station, I could see this girl looking around the station for me. I did give her a goodbye wave as I went.