I know its tough for some to absorb but everything Trump tweets isn't always a reality .

He loves the limelight and its getting him votes and attention ( even CCMB members who have given up on the Labour Party argeuemnts )

Provocative statements are issued by many loops Kim in North Korea , Iranian statements on the destruction of Israel , even Boris in the last election all very effective in their way.

Both Bush and Obama were presented with the option to kill this Iranian loop , but decided not too , some hawks knew by presenting it to Trump now , they had a better chance of executing it .

Its now mad dog strategy ,do something nasty ( done ) , keep saying crap destruction stuff (on going ) to get your opponent on the back foot , as they dont know what will happen next , you appear unstable . I think its a strategy of getting around the table and renegotiation the shit nuclear deal with no cash on offer this time , perhaps USA may other than picking up the funereal costs of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis from the increased costs of flag sales .

Try not take Trump so serous , get out a bit ,get a part time job is my advise ,life goes on