Oh I see they're all in full preaching mode now are'nt they . Maybe now isn't the right time to point out that those associating me with labelling them are ignoring the fact that the only reason I bought this matter up in the first place is that it seems that those who are now having a go at me are keen enough to have labels applied to themselves when it suits them - as in when they
bring up their left wing past before going into what they currently think. I can see no logical reason for doing this apart from, as mentioned earlier, a desire to feel better about themselves.

Of course, we all know it's well nigh impossible to get a direct answer out of Gluey, so I was never really expecting one from him as to why he does this, but I'll do what he finds impossible and answer a question I've been asked. Having now found out who Mr Paul is, it seems to me he is someone on the political right who can be called a "whistleblower", a term that, for me, can be a positive or negative one to apply to someone, but is, in essence, apolitical in derivation in that it can be used on someone at either end of the political spectrum. Judging by the way it's used by some on here though, it's a label reserved for the lowest of the low - you know, the ones who seem to be getting in such a state about me labelling them.