He seems to be considered a champion of banter and crazy behaviour but empty vessels making the most noise comes to mind. However, I'm a tad envious that he seems free of any doubt whatsoever and really embraced his life from an early age.

There's an old philosophical question along the lines of would you prefer to be a satisfied pig or a dissatisfied human. Johnson seems the former, and good for him, but what if the humans are dissatisfied cos the pig took a dump in a mug and hid it under the human's bed?

I'm not a fan of practical jokes so if by some miracle I'd become a professional footballer I would've been baffled or deflated most of the time, especially if it involves someone defecating. Is that a footballer thing?

Not sure if this is the right response to a show like this. A couple of interesting anecdotes about Warnock and Bobby Gould though.