Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
Is this your own self-imposed fasting regime - or is there some tradition of not eating during working hours (even if you finish at 1.00 pm)? I have known a lot of people who have decided to fast or restrict what they ate for a period (sometimes something like 2 days a week) - usually for weight loss or health reasons - but never a working hours 'Lent' fast. Is it a religious thing, or just using Lent as a hook to hang something else on? Intrigued.
Just a spur of the moment decision whilst munching pancakes on shrove Tuesday, christened catholic but hate Religion, don't eat fish on good Friday as well, also a personal challenge to myself, I worked with a Muslim colleague for 7 years and watched for him 7 years be faithful to Ramadan each year and thinking WTF how stupid, I bumped into him last week and in our chat Ramadan/Lent came up so I just thought Fcuk/it lets have a go, but for me its easy, I can take fluid in the day and its only 4 days a week, I would like to think I can lose a couple of lbs. to boot in preparation my holiday, but as that starts in Italy, I'm starting to have doubts if it will go ahead the way the fear porn brigade (MSM) are pushing it at the moment.