Here in France it's a COMPLETE going out unless absolutely essential..and even then one must sign a declaration that it IS essential...else police can stop and fine you...or more...Also a curvew after 6pm.

Now then....this whole scenario is WAY more serious than governments are letting on. Do you REALLY think they will pay utility bills/mortgages etc etc.....if not a cataclysmic situation??? It is an odd similarity that it seems to reflect many films and books.

What is next? What will happen when there are not enough workers to keep electricity and water functioning? Think about is not so far-fetched.... I have been re-watching/reading THE STAND by Stephen King... just skip episode 2....

This is an unprecedented situation in human history...when/how will it end? Yes the numbers compared with say Spanish flu even seem muted as yet.....but propagate the deaths per million people....given that it is far more contagious.... .only the Black Death around 1370 will compare.

In some ways here I am fortunate in that we live pretty much on our own...but still have to go shopping once a week....but what happens when all supermarkets staff and delivery drivers get ill? They have to close also. Is this a forerunner to survival of the fittest? Is that why people in the US are buying guns and ammunition? To set up and protect enclaves??

I really cannot see this ending for some years yet....and wonder what will left of life as we now know it......