A lot of the people against lockdown seem to parrot the idea that this is no worse than flu. Firstly it is worse than flu, even flu in a bad year would struggle to kill this many. Factor in on top that we are at the back end of flu season, so many of the very weakest would have succumbed to flu over the last 5 months. Coronavirus is literally killing thousands of people that have survived the flu season.

Although to be blunt and heartless, the death rate alone from coronavirus probably is just about low enough that governments would try to push through it. But looking at the deaths alone isnt taking into account the 10/15 people in critical care for weeks/months for every death recorded. The pressure on hospitals is also leading to virtually all other operations being cancelled, this will also lead to potentially hundreds/thousands more deaths. The 'experts' dont really have a scooby about this virus, that much is obvious. So our only option is a lockdown(along with increasing testing), it's the only way we have of trying to slow the spread and take the pressure off the healthcare system. For people to argue against it is crazy. Without a lockdown the numbers would continue to increase for weeks and weeks. Aswell as the thousands of coronavirus victims what would happen to all the poor people whose cancer or other life saving ops were cancelled. A belief in rolling back the lockdown is verging on a eugenics arguement in my opinion. Its arguing that all who are ill should be left out for sacrifice, so that the strongest can have a good economy. Its a sick belief, and thankfully one that only a minority seem to hold