Now, there's a thread title I never thought I'd come remotely close to posting on here! I never thought of myself as someone who did not wash their hands often enough before and I still don't - I'm washing my hands slightly more often these days, but not that much. However, what I have learned in the last few weeks is that I was hopeless at it in terms of the length of time I washed and how thorough I was when doing it. Nowadays, my hand washing takes longer than that two verses of Happy Birthday Boris Johnson talked about because I'm being thorough, but my hands aren't half paying a price for it!

I used to think that hand/skin conditioner was all a bit of a con aimed in particular at gullible women - how wrong I was. My hands are in a terrible state now - my skin is sore, red and blotchy around the wrist area with signs of some sort of rash, it's much looser and leathery than it was on the backs of my hands and my knuckles are worn and raw with occasional flecks of blood coming through (I take Warfarin every day) - my next list for my weekly shop is definitely going to include hand/skin conditioner!