Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
I don't think the politicians and civil servants here are any less able or intelligent than their counterparts in Westminster or Brussels, but people are only ever going to act in the way that the system incentivises them to do.
In most democracies the people with power are only incentivised to be re-elected at the next election, and the people without power are incentivised to make them look bad.
This leads to short term thinking, and policies that sound convincing whether they will actually be beneficial in the long run or not.

First thing I would do would be to completely reform y senydd to try to remove these pressures and encourage actions that will benefit Wales in the long term.
Completely agree, not sure how easy that would be to do but it would be a great idea. There has been no major infrastructure investments in decades because the parties in power are too worried about the here and now. HS2 aside, which after all the spending because of Covid will hopefully be cancelled, otherwise Westminster can spend English tax on it and give us our share to be used for electrification and allow us to finally be the last country in Europe that can go from north to south without having to go into another country.