Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
I'm just trying to understand the wider point you make. If it helps. I'll start the sentence. There was this nurse from Nevada that posted an emotional You Tube video about her experience working in New York hospitals. It looks really dubious at best and fake at worst so this means the coronavirus problem is (this is the bit that you add)!
That's what I thought, but I suppose it does add that element of conspiracy to things and we know that is so important to some on here.

Although I don't think any of the usual crowd of conspiracy theorists on here are flat earthers, I always go back to that Netflix documentary on the subject two a couple of years ago where they were given the resources to come up with something which would prove conclusively that the earth was flat. They opted for a series of lasers the same distance apart, over a period of hundreds of miles I believe, which would form a straight line when they were all connected. When it did no such thing and, instead, showed a degree of curvature, the experiment was then rubbished as the flat earthers immediately moved on to a new one which they said were really, really prove they were right this time!

The reaction of the conspiracy theorists on here when today's or this weeks story proves to be the usual load of shit is exactly the same as those flat earthers - it's as if it never existed and they move on to the next theory/barmy suggestion which, this time, will prove conclusively they are right and the rest of us mindless sheep who just accept the line we are fed without question.

This is the really funny thing which underscores such a mindset. There is this smug certainty they all have that they are completely right and we are completely wrong, there are no shades of grey - it's so simple if we could only just see it.

Generally speaking, the conspiracy theorists on here have been all over the place when it comes to the virus, Organ especially, and it's impossible for them to have been correct all of the time on the subject because so often they have said different things at different times. However, I've never seen an admission or acceptance from any of them, that they have been wrong.

I come at things from a certain point of view and am very much at the opposite end of the argument to those who think like Organ does, but I am open minded enough to admit that, when you look at places like Sweden and Belarus, there is a legitimate argument to be had about the need for the sort of strict lockdown practiced by other countries - I think there was a need, but I can see why others might think differently.

It's strange that the "independent thinkers" on here seem to have trouble with with that sort of concept - that the other side, could, possibly, be right. By sticking to their unyielding, formulaic viewpoints, come what may, all they're doing is proving they are just as sheeplike as they accuse everyone else of being - if not more so.