Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
I never said they were or they weren’t you are the one using the word “overcrowded”.

I said to Tuerto I didn’t think all prisons are 3 to a cell and they are not.

Besides, he brought prisons into it and I wasn’t even talking about prisons when I was talking about a blameless culture / society.

I was talking about apologists like you.
You said you , and I quote , you highly doubted his three to a cell claim

You were , of course , wrong to do that as we have a serious and chronic overcrowding problem in uk prisons , and it certainly isnt " some " prisons , it's most of them

But dont take my word for it , google the home office stats , the Howard league for penal reform and the prison reform trust

Now , hopefully that's dealt with and we seem to be returning to your idiotic claims that I am an enabler and apologist for the shocking events in the valleys the other day.

You think the girl was a junkie , we have no evidence she was a drugs user and wether those drugs were prescribed or she was taking street drugs .

When you find evidence of this I would suggest you make sure the police know about it as you seem highly interested in "junkies" , maybe you could help them out instead of pontificating like some union jack waving swivel eyed angry man

This lady has killed one man and has been charged with the attempted murder of three others . It's out there that she spent 5 months in a psychiatric hospital , and was released 6 weeks ago .

I am no psychiatrist but I have seen a few and it wouldnt surprise me at all that this women has serious mental health issues especially as shes just spent 5 months in a hospital . I am almost certain that the mental health background of this woman is going to be investigated by the professionals in regard to wether her mental health was a contributing factor to this incident .

Now a large number of people on here have questioned your reasoning behind throwing around the term apologist , enabler and you have been shown up to be very ignorant regarding mental health .

Which I find quite worrying as you say you have suffered yourself ?

If you had suffered and been diagnosed with a serious mental illness like schizophrenia, bi polar disorder , psychotic depression etc , which can make you lose touch with reality I think you would be showing far more understanding of not just the victims of this attack but also what caused a woman who had been in psychiatric care for 5 months to carry out such a terrible act.

Even if you havnt been diagnosed with a serious mental illness and have battled the disabling effects of lifelong anxiety , depression , panic or agoraphobia you certainly dont seem to have a great deal of knowledge or understanding of mental ill health . And for someone who has come over in the past as an intelligent and witty chap , that's not only a shame but very worrying .

If there are people like you with mental health problems showing this level of bile and spite towards a young woman who is likely to be ill , all this time to change , let's try and understand mental health etc has got a job on its hands . Because if people like you throw around the terms junkie , apologists and enabler and you have experience of mental ill health no wonder the rest of society is still playing catch up .

I am off now , I have wasted enough of my time with you .