Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
Its both. When asked by Plaid MP Saville Roberts to confirm that Johnson was acting as PM of England, he refused stating "No, I reject that completely... its perfectly good advice for the entire population" before saying it was important to bring R down "locally, regionally and nationally". He's shown a complete lack of respect to the devolved parliaments with that statement, lied (He is acting as PM of England for most of this) and implied that Wales and Scotland are just "regions". He's a dangerous buffoon.
It wasn't until the MP for Brecon and Radnor specifically pushed him on this that he, almost reluctantly, agreed that travel to Wales from England was not desirable. He was not emphatic and has had plenty of time since to utter a simple single sentence statement- do not travel into Wales for leisure purposes. Is he pandering to the Tory right and unionists who don't believe in any devolution of powers from London and trying not to upset little Englanders by restricting them from travelling anywhere in 'their country' ?