Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
Lots snow birds, as they are known as from New York, Chicago and Canada head down to Florida to their 2nd homes, maybe not this year hey...
When i was about to buy a holiday home in the area, the sales agent said he could 95% guarantee Oct through April he could rent it on on a long term rent to snowbirds, that would cover all my annual costs, so then anything on top of that from weekly rentals would be profit, i had never heard of them before, a quick google and it made sense, move down from the cold and the snow for 6 months and live in the sun, it all made sense

Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
I know they are losing a fortune with parks shut, 2 of my mates were supposed to be going this month with families for their first trips, gutted for them. Hear Disney though are making a fortune off the new Disney tv app.....
I had been helping someone plan a trip for 1/2 term, was going to be their 1st trip as well, disney have been great and moved the booking to Oct, airline have been crap and only issued a voucher, which in 6 months time could be worthless
I have disney +, 50 quid for the year, from my point of view it has paid for itself, we have watched all the star wars films, ive been watching the occasional simpsons

Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Would that be the penguin app or whatever its called?
thats a blast from the past, club Pengiun and the puffles, my oldest was in reception year and was into the game, 14 years ago, wow