Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
An Interesting and encouraging study - worth a read.


That is interesting. Some of the points i took from that as interesting theories were

1) Clinicians are becoming more skilled at treating the virus. We should also consider the success of the steroid treatment on critically ill patients.
2) The virus is less severe. A number of virologists have been labelled "lazy" for suggesting that the virus will lose strength. I don't think these figures back that up, but the USA's death rate is falling despite the huge numbers of people testing positive. Usually, this is put down to "more testing" and "better testing" - but coupled with the falling death rate in the US it does suggest that there maybe two elements at play here.

It will be interesting to see if there is more data that backs up a decline in the morbidity rate of the virus, and whether that is down to age groups (maybe older people are staying away from crowdded areas) of patients getting younger, or down to better and more effective treatment or (hopefully) the virus evolving into something less severe - something that is evident in other viruses.