I do feel very sorry for the employees and the owners of the small independent pubs etc but Brains making a bit of stand and shouting the odds is grating on me a bit. I’ve lost count of the number of local boozers that they’ve run down and eventually closed over the years, converted them into flats or just bulldozed them completely, no doubt holding on to the ownership of the ground’s footprint. They’ve been doing this over the last 15/20 years, taking away our locals, locals that were centres of the community for years, the working man pouring his hard earned into them helping turn Brains into the powerhouse of Welsh beer brewing. In Splott alone they purposely ran down the much loved Grosvenor & Cardiff Arms, let them rot until their plan of turning them into flats materialised. Nice little earner, collect the ground rent while leasing it out or whatever the legal terms are with no landlord, landlady, bar staff, cleaners etc to pay, even reducing the draymen’s workload. Brains shut more of their pubs than this pandemic ever will.