The Trust issued the following statement today following the appointment of Mick McCarthy as manager until the end of the 2020-21 Season.

Keith Morgan, chair of Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust, responding to the appointment of Mick McCarthy as manager to replace Neil Harris, said:

“The dismissal of Neil Harris was inevitable given the run of six successive defeats and such poor displays.

“The appointment of Mick McCarthy, who we obviously wish success in the role, until the end of the season is a short-term measure to ensure safety in the Championship and will, hopefully, involve a push towards the Play-Offs.

“The club has brought in someone who has enjoyed success at Championship level, although that was over a decade ago.

“What is vital is that we hear from Cardiff City management about what is their long term strategy to take the club forward after Mick McCarthy’s contract ends. We know many fans are also concerned about the style of football played and other clubs around us do seem to have a comprehensive plan, from the Academy to the first team – so should Cardiff City. Supporters will not want the club to stutter from one short term “fix” to another. We need vision and stability.”