Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
I can't stand Conservatives but I don't attack them in the street or pour dog poo through their letterboxes

People of all backgrounds and races vote conservative but that's up to them . I think the 17 million people who voted brexit are plain daft and it's going to bite them on the arse but I don't make up songs about them and sing them in a public place .

You however are an intelligent bloke who knows that this song is a racist one but instead of accepting that after being found out you are still trying to deflect things

You must be hell to work or live with

Your ego is fecking massive

You were even up before 6 to deal with the flak

Racist song , you were wrong , the end
you keep forgetting to add "in my opinion"

we all have opinions Sludge, you've made our clear, there is no need to go on about it.