Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
Reads a bit like a party political broadcast for the Labour Party

Use a global pandemic to defend the government? Not quite sure where I've done that.

The parroting from the murdoch press, sorry but that's just patronising nonsense. Presumably the personal abuse I directed at boris is ok because you agree, but because you don't agree with what I said about Corbyn it's parrots from the press.

As it happens I don't engage much with the murdoch express. Not particularly because of any ideological reasons, but because they're all behind a pay wall and I'm too tight to pay. I've got no particular interest in meghan or the kardashians so the daily mail also has nothing to offer me. My go to online newspapers are generally the indie and the guardian, hardly your rabid right wing press that are warping my simple mind against corban.

The reality of course, is that you're a Labour man, I'm someone who normally votes tory (although won't be next election), so we are probably going to disagree on most things politically.
I have not voted labour for 2 general elections for a start. I'm not a member of any political party, I vote for the party that I think will do the most to help the working classes and the young people in this country. Me and my Mrs earn very good wages, a vote for the tory party is probably more beneficial to me personally than anyone else but I would always rather live in a society that is fair and just which is why I would never vote for the tories because track records and manifestos don't reflect that. And it's probably why I would never vote for even a centre right government.

I'm not a "labour man" I don't support political parties like football teams.

That post is genuine criticisms of the tory government, which do you disagree with?

The Sadiq Kahn bit is in there because I did vote for him as London Mayor 3 times and he's done a great job.

What about Corbyn did you think was vile?

What is it that makes you think the tories are so good for the economy?

What is it that makes you think labour are so bad for the economy?