Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
I'm glad you posted this Bob. I heard about this last night and couldn't sleep for hours mulling this over and was going to post something similar on here this morning. So I was both surprised and relieved that I am, at least, not going completely mad by not either supporting or understanding the decision by the Welsh government.

I'm actually furious about this because this feels more like panic (not a good look for any leaders) and has very little scientific basis. Once again, we're back to an overloaded health service fear, two years into a pandemic and I'd like to know the logistical planning that has been taking place over this period that should have anticipated the resources required to deal with it.

The real damage now is that, without proper explanation, figures, reasoning, and argument to back this decision, they have made the scientific argument redundant, and thus, they've rendered their own credibility and authority redundant also. It's really damaging. Poorly done. Badly communicated.
Agreed. We've constantly been told they're "following the science". Well they're not are they? No real evidence that outside events like this spread the disease. There's also very little evidence on the effects of the Omicron variant and that which does exist suggests its relatively mild. Welsh hospitals are not currently overwhelmed with Covid cases and there's no evidence to suggest they will be. But we've let them impose draconian restrictions without much resistance before so they don't really fear any reprisals from the Welsh electorate.