Was reading an article on Aha and the song in the title came up, which lead to some quite serious debate over that song between the band members. All of them absolutely hate it and are loathed to play it, even though (i believe) it's the song that sent them on their way and is probably their most memorable bit of work. According to the article, Aha released the song a 2nd time due to it not doing particularly well on the first occasion, good bit of work by them.

I suppose that what i am asking is, are Aha insulting their fans by lambasting the song that so many of them like? should they just put up and shut up, or is it a case of it's their work and they can say what they like about it?

There's a wider question really, especially when it comes to Art, Music etc, and i suppose that if a person is an ardent fan of a band and then they say that the stuff that the fans like is a bit shit, then isn't that insulting and a bit spoilt? I would've thought that there has been plenty of artists who have gone cold on their biggest most popular hits, the songs that brought them mainstream success.

What are peoples thoughts, and do you have a favourite artist who hates a song that meant a lot to you?