Obviously it's been fantastic to see Wales at a World Cup. Yes, we've been shit, but we've at least been there.

What have we learned from this tournament that will help us move forward? What has happened in the past that we should avoid?

I look at a few things. Euro 2004 qualification. We had a fantastic couple of years under Hughes where we did really well in some friendlies, won the opening 4 games in qualification (including the great win over Italy), then capitulated. Hughes kept faith in his old guard because he fancied a crack at England in the WC 2006 qualifiers. We made a dreadful start and when Hughes left, the old players left with him. Toshack and Flynn had a major rebuilding process to oversee, one they both knew they'd never see the fruits of.

We need to keep blooding our young players. The more experience they have at a young age, the better we'll be.

We need to ensure that our big stars are match fit. Bale (in particular), despite his stature, despite everything he's done for us, needs to find himself a club and play regularly. Blakey and Jess Fishlock talked on the phone in this evening to say that there's a huge difference between being fit and being match fit. The Bale dilemma is that his performances in the WC were abysmal, yet he's the only player who scored. If Bale can't get himself match fit, he no longer starts.

We need to get rid of the likes of Jonny Williams, Chris Gunter etc permanently and let the youngsters have a go. Big thanks for your service to the side over the years, but time to go now. Anyone over the age of 27-28 that is barely on the periphery moves aside for youth. I will say that I was slightly disappointed that Gunter didn't get a few minutes this evening - if anyone deserved a few minutes on the pitch in a world cup it would be him.

Any other thoughts? (Please not Davies in midfield)