According to my estimates 87.6% of those 73k will be fat bastards and in excess of 95% will be boring feckers who are obsessed with Gareth Eggwards and Max 'oggi, oggi, oggi' Boyce.

Have you seen the size of the beer guts on rugger fans? They're enormous, and the men's are even bigger than the heifers who wear a daffodil headdress.

Rather than that bloated mass of humanity wobbling its way to the Principality Stadium later on they should be sat at home watching it on TV.

Doing so would be much better for the environment. But those selfish blaggards prefer to damage the planet further by travelling there using transport whose emissions also help to further poison the lungs of all of us.

Few, if anyone, would contend that attending any rugby game is among life's necessities. It's time to ban spectators from Six Nations' games for the benefit of the greater good.