Christ what utter rubbish they are

All over the country newspapers are fading but some seem to still cater for traditional old gits me

I have never been one for reading the guardian , times etc or their sunday equivalent .....its a trial to get through some of the pretentious nonsense in those

I grew up with the western mail and echo and they seemed to be quite distinct papers . The Echo was more a football paper but at least in the old days they had different match reports for city games

As I hated the big papers on a weekend it was great when the western mail expanded to a Wales on Sunday edition

But it's absolutely crap and all its reports , including the football pages are simply repeated in Mondays western mail

I have given up on the Echo and will soon give up on the western mail . The price is extortionate for the rubbish that is in there and its more expensive than most of the competition .

The population of Wales is 3 million ......about 7000 western mails are sold daily

I have heard of a loss leader but that's the end of the line

I havnt been to Queen Street in years , do the fellas still sell the Echo?

They won't be for long