Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
The most ridiculous thing that has happened to me today is a few people on CCMB getting upset that the Nazi party was referred to as the National Socialist party, which is their name.

The second most ridiculous thing that has happened to me was reading that Twitter post genuinely comparing the UK to Nazi Germany.

Just a reminder; the Nazi Party hounded down and murdered six million Jews and other people for the crime of being what they are. Jews and others fled FROM Nazi Germany

The UK is the country that people entering boats are trying to come TO.

The difference is stark and obvious and whatever varying opinions we may have in how to solve the issue, I genuinely think it is disrespectful to the victims of Nazi Germany to compare the two and people (including ex footballers) should think a bit more before making such comparisons.
Have you ever thought how the Nazi's got to the Final Solution or do you think they went straight to mass extermination?

Perhaps you need to check on the rhetoric they initially used against Jews and other groups. If you knew anything about that period of history you'd understand that the tactics used then are, to some degree, being used by this Conservative government against migrants/refugees - both legal and illegal. Put simply they are "othered" i.e. demonised, blamed for all the countries ills and dehumanised.

This vile home secretary uses language straight out of the fascist playbook, perhaps not surprisingly copying the Farage and vote leave playbook. She grossly exaggerates the figures and uses terms like invasion, swarm, etc. She sickens me.

Add this to acts of voter suppression and limiting the right of protest I think we should all be concerned about the direction of travel of this government. Whilst I don't think any are actual Nazi's (although there are a few dishonourable exceptions to this) there are clear traits of totalitarianism on display here.

Early days but the warning signs are there.