I feel that since the tragic event everything has gone down hill for us. It’s almost a downward spiral.

If the event hadn’t occurred there’s a good chance we would have stayed in the prem league.

Even if we had been relegated since we wouldn’t have had the transfer embargo’s or restrictions hanging over us.

Not to mention and this is a huge one the effect that the event had on the whole club and likely had a huge effect people like Warnock and the players more than anyone would know. Perhaps this is why Warnock hasn’t come back to us - I mean with the bad memories etc.

It’s still unbelievable and so sad and I don’t think we have ever recovered from it properly in every way.

I’m not saying it’s the only thing but it’s a major factor in the downward spiral.

One day brighter days will come our way but we need a huge overhaul and money spent for this to happen. obviously we have to be careful as the books have to be balanced. We need to have all these restrictions lifted because they are dragging us down. I’m confident in time things will improve because a club like us should not be lower championship. Albeit we are a championship club - I’d say we are upper half - not lower half!

It’s a stratagem one and I know Sala hadn’t played a game for us but I also believe there should be some kind of memorial for him at the ground (if there isn’t already) as a mark of respect.