Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
There are differences. Small but important differences. Just as in the USA there are differences between the two major parties of big business and imperialism.

In the USA the faultlines are around issues like universal health care, gun control and whether 17th century fundamentalist Christianity will dictate policy decisions.

In the UK the privatiser and war criminal Blair led governments introduced Sure Start, enabled a programme of council house improvements and through Prudence Brown a series of redistributive budgets that benefitted ordinary people.

I despise Starmer almost as much as the Tories (for some of the same reasons and some different) but in my view even a Starmer-led Labour government (or Labour majority coalition government) will be better than more of the Tories. The marginal differences count.
I wouldn't disagree much, however, do not despise Starmer but don't like him either, and to address Saint Bob I would agree with the waste he points out by the Tories, that isn't for debate IMO, I don't have and will not spend anytime researching but i would be quite confident that the rebadged PFI's from Blair and his mates, that they were not shy in taking advantage of the money sloshing around and that the dodgy deals of this era would dwarf the Tory fraud values of the thread Title, IMO crooks the lot of them and nailing your colours to a mast is just endorsing one set of crooks over the other.