Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
It's hard not to view you as something of a fascist with a concerniny and extreme position who uses violent language often.

Do you write the kind of things you put on here to MPs themselves using that kind of language?

This morning alone alone you have written 'tory filth' and started a thread about a 'tory bitch'.

It's actually pretty disturbing in all honesty.

I think Sludge is the sort that will one day get a knock on the door for his online activities.

Cant debate, cant articulate, cant reason and cant answer a simple question like when did the UK have a truly Socialist Govt in Westminster.

He thinks Starma is Tory light and thinks (a true Socialist) like Corbyn is a cock.... This is like trying to have a grown up conversation with the local village idiot. Not worth the effort on any level.