
We're looking livlier in attack. We've scored in every game, only 4 sides have scored more than us. We've doubled our goals per shot rate and only 2 sides have scored more goals per attempts than us. Bulut has been critical of us taking our chances and we appear to be creating good opportunities. Last season we were crap in every aspect in front of goal. This might be shown in that last season our average shot distance was 19yds; this season it is 12yds. Last season we were taking more pot shots out of hope from distance. This season we're being much more measured and not wasting so many attempts.

Our pass completion rate has risen from 71% to 78%. This is mainly due to our short and medium distance (up to 30yds) passing rate rising from 81% to 86%, while the number of long passes attempted has gone from nearly 20% to nearly 16%.

Areas to improve:

Tackling. Our tackle success rate has dropped from 58% to 51%. 72% of all of our tackles occur in our defensive third, only 6% in our attacking third. Last season those were 52% and 11% respectively. It suggests we're more intent on letting teams have the ball in midfield and at the back without putting much pressure on them. The number of tackles in a game has dropped by 4 per match on average. The number of tackles won when someone has dribbled the ball at us has dropped from 53% (5th best last season) to 41% (2nd worst) this season. We've gone from being 4th best at recoving possession when the ball has gone loose to 6th worst.

We've seen 1 more on target attempt per game at our goal than we did last season. At the other end we're making less attempts on goal than last season, but at least more of them as a percentage have been on target.

There we are, a few stats to mull over. I'm perfectly aware that we're only 3 league games into the season and lots of those stats will change as we play more games.