On Twitter:

Firstly, I'm English.

I favour my country by paying its taxes instead of leeching from the state or living in tax exile like those who own the papers that rot your brain or who you voted for.

I give my time to my community, set up a mental health charity so that any Briton, anywhere could benefit. 40,000 did. All colours, all religions, all political points of view.

I favour my country by calling out racists and bigots hiding behind my flag, like Oswald Moseley's "patriots" hid behind it 80 years ago. They were destroyed too.

I favour my country by working abroad often and telling anyone and everyone to "come over, go and see the Peaks, Cornwall, Broads, Borders!", many do and still do.

I favour my country by voting regularly for political parties who want to put money into books, schools, hospitals, public transport rather than their friends pockets in the Cayman Islands.

I favour my country by honouring my family's service in every Armistice and also by visiting at least one of the Normandy beaches or Ypres annually.

I favour my country by trying to do better today than yesterday, put up daily dopey running videos to encourage anyone to join in and start the process of getting fit, in a nation with a growing obesity pandemic. One of the most important things I do in hindsight.

I favour my country by spending my money on local produce and British products, and where possible plug them for free here and elsewhere.

Now how about your patriotism?

Shouting at clouds, blaming everyone for your problems, waving a flag, dreaming of the glory of the past. It looks to me like that's it unless you can give us a flavour of how your patriotism manifests itself. I'm genuinely interested. Because all I see are 40,50,60 and 70 somethings with Union Flags, self proclaimed patriots who bring only bitterness, anger and spite to the party.

One day Britain will be a progressive, dynamic, forward looking and global nation again. It's inevitable.

But not while people like you blame others for your own ignorance, your own fecklessness, and your unwillingness to blame yourself for the state of this nation.

Britain. It's never our fault, is it?