Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
Question time - pre scripted

The corporation lacks impartial and objective journalism are regularly made by observers on both the left and the right of the political spectrum.

Another key area of criticism is the mandatory licence fee, as commercial competitors argue that means of financing to be unfair and to result in limiting their ability to compete with the BBC.

Also, accusations of waste or over-staffing occasionally prompt comments from politicians and the other media.[citation needed]


BBC news - pre scripted programmes

BBC did for Corbyn , hardly impartial

Also the public appear to mirror this losing ~ 75,000 customers per month
Question Time is utter crap but the pre rigged questions apply to all the panel

If those on the left and right complain the BBC is biased against them then there is your answer

Laura Kuenssberg.........is a conservative , from a conservative background and is the BBC political editor