Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
You have a very odd definition of 'hard left communist'. Ash Sarkar labelling herself as a 'libertarian communist' (whatever that is) should be a clue to her real views - along with her social media profile that identifies her as 'Anarcho-Fabulous. Luxury-Communist. Walks like a supermodel. Kebab aficionado. London.' I have read a bit of her stuff online and seen some clips on Novara Media Youtube but mainly missed her on the BBC. But from what I have seen and read she is not really a communist at all. She is essentially a Corbyn democratic socialist, and was at recently home in the Labour Party.

The polar opposite of Ash Sarkar is anyone from the hard right of the Conservative Party or Reform.

I think you are wrong about the BBC breaking trust, but at least you are honest in saying 'I have no evidence for this but....' If only others with no evidence would also stick to giving a 'personal opinion' and not deflect, dodge and run when asked to back up their claims. I do accept that some people will hold the view that the BBC is a mouthpiece for metropolitan liberals or 'the left' - if they don't decide that for themselves they are bombarded with the claim from most of the Tory press. But I don't see evidence that is a dominant view, or one that explains the loss of BBC viewers.

For what it's worth the public is more likely to the the BBC as right leaning than left - whatever the Daily Mail and Sun tells them!

Over the years Ash Sarkar has rebranded herself with a few nice descriptions in order to appear non threatening but when she tells everyone she's a communist, repeatedly over years, it's probably best to believe her instead of imaging what she really means. Politics is her life and career, i think she knows what a communist is. She's hard left and has said some pretty crazy things over the years yet the BBC make her a permenant fixture on Moral Maze and platform her on BBC politics programmes. Where is the right wing fascist equivalent?