Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Do you mean me personally? I look after myself, i go to the gym 6 evenings a week and try and eat clean. I don't like the gym and i would love to eat a six pack of crisps right now, but i see it as a way of staving off illness and depression. I'm in decent shape. I suppose the Government closed gyms because of the amount of people in them at any one time, and the gasping for air, breathing heavy whn doing cardio etc. Not really a problem in a Take away.
I wrongly assumed by your post when you said “us” that you were referring to yourself, but am happy to be corrected, and knowing that the average age of a Covid death was 82.5 ( with all the testing anomalies) there was hardly any risk to fit and healthy gym users, however , fast forward to now and keeping fast food establishments open was not the best option in comparison.

Who knows, perhaps the diet, obesity and alcohol availability combined had something to do with recovery rates and severity of flu and other illnesses similar.