Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
So Truthpaste, are you still supporting Israel's actions? Or have you changed your mind like everybody else seems to be doing?
Well first of all there are no shortage of people who wouldn't need to switch sides because they were never going to stand by the descendants of Abraham even if they were the last race on Earth.
Secondly while I stand by Israel and always will, I acknowledge that throughout their history they have often acted in a fashion that is unacceptable; and so just like a parent that stands with their child irrespective of their triumphs, failures or mistakes, I do the same but would confess that this doesn't mean I say they are constantly in the right because of my stance.
There are two other factors here:-
1. Hamas have planned and played the world re this whole saga long before October 2023. They planned very carefully and cunningly for the events happening now in great detail, and the reaction that would come as Israel fought for guaranteed boarder peace for their citizens and of course the lives of the hostages that still potentially remain alive.
2. Hopefully there will come a point (sooner rather than later we pray) when the full truth will emerge re EVERY aspect of this conflict, from planning the attack, the defence, and the use of Palestinian citizens by Hamas in achieving their long term goal, mainly turning as much of the world against Israel which will (they think) help them get what they have always wanted, the total extermination of the Jews.