And there was me thinking that yesterday's news would mean an end to 32 months of people telling me what I should be doing regarding the rebrand (i.e. do exactly the same thing as the person issuing the instructions is).

Right from day one this has been a personal issue for everyone involved and so much of the ill feeling and arguments might have been avoided if that had been appreciated more.

It took some of us longer to get there than it did others, but eventually there were enough individuals making, or threatening to make, decisions which would have made life very difficult for those running the club. Eventually that penny dropped with the man who really counted in this affair and, fair play to him, he was big enough to admit the error of his ways - that might not be how the story is being spun by the club, but it seems to me that this is exactly what has happened.

Again though, there is this pressure being put on to behave in a certain way towards our owner. Fair enough, if you genuinely believe that it's a time to build bridges then go ahead, but there are those (and I'm not talking about myself here) who cannot do that because of what's happened - they are not wrong or being disloyal, they are just individuals making a decision for themselves.