Quote Originally Posted by The Local Boy wrote on Mon, 20 April 2015 16:20
TBG posted the other day that this government has made it a lot easier for people to get parcels from foodbanks and if you make it easier for people to do something then more of them will do it.
Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg wrote on Mon, 20 April 2015 16:14
I don't know what the answer is - if the government go back to making it harder to get parcels and the figures fall then I imagine they would be called heartless but if they make it easier they are castigated for leaving others behind.
Quote Originally Posted by The Local Boy wrote on Mon, 20 April 2015 16:00
What does this mean?
Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg wrote on Mon, 20 April 2015 15:57
in May 2010 you had to have permission from the job centre (IIRC) to get a food parcel, now you don't. If the government went back to that process it would be harder for people to get food parcels and we could see the numbers drop (then again we might not).
Quote Originally Posted by The Local Boy wrote on Mon, 20 April 2015 15:50
but if that did happen then you can be sure that some would claim the government are trying to massage the figures, ignoring the fact apples are now being compared with apples rather than oranges
In regards to speeding up the process We're talking about the DWP here.