Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson wrote on Sat, 02 January 2016 05:31
The Wire.
Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie wrote on Fri, 01 January 2016 16:58
I've tried it a few times but it just doesn't grab me at all. I did watch all of the sopranos because of the hype but it was a struggle tbh it's no BB or GOT that's for sure!
Quote Originally Posted by Rhiw-Blue wrote on Fri, 01 January 2016 16:29
I don't watch such things generally but I must say that I thought The Wire was the most extraordinary TV series. There were 'good' baddies, bad 'goodies' and both worlds had their own power struggles, jargon, complicated politics and ruthless individuals.
The Wire is the best of the lot for me. But, I am yet to watch Breaking Bad (episode 3 of season 2).