7 weeks ago, my youngest daughter got it, in a few days i am feeling rough

2 weeks have passed and i go to the docs, they say i have this " viral bug thats going around ", a throat infection and a chest infection, the doc says i will fight the infections of myself and the viral bug will go in good time

a week on and i am almost dead on the sofa, hot and cold sweats, at times it was like i had just got out of the shower, shaking, a really bad wheeze, really hard to breath

next day i phone the docs, get a appointment and the doc says " you should have gone to the hospital the way you are struggling to breath ", marvellous, 8 days previous she told me i would fight it of myself, so i finally get a course of antibiotics, the cough has gone, i still feel fairly rough, but at least i can breath and my throat is fine again

its a rough one alright, its been over 7 weeks now and still its hard work