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Thread: Tory scum attacking disabled again

  1. #1

    Tory scum attacking disabled again

    This time through the PIP change from DLA .......you have no legs , cancer but you can get around a bit ? No money for you then scrounger .....up yours Tories .......vote for this shower of capitalists ? Pray to God you don't get sick or disabled ........they are all tossers

  2. #2

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    I carried on buying your tomatoes all through the eighties

  3. #3

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Being on DLA, I'm quite worried about PIP.

  4. #4

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    What I dont get is they are saying they are going to spend more on disabled. How does that work, is that because even with the cuts there are increased numbers, so the overall spend is higher. Or are they spending on areas other than direct payments?

    £1.5bn saving a year, but they predict a £10bn surplus by 2020. Well scrap these cuts and have a $5bn surplus by 2020.

    I can see a backtrack coming on this. Tory and LAbour MPs are speaking out against this, and its not leaving the news. Obsourne wont want this on his name. I give it 2 weeks before this is changed..... hoping

  5. #5

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    What I dont get is they are saying they are going to spend more on disabled. How does that work, is that because even with the cuts there are increased numbers, so the overall spend is higher. Or are they spending on areas other than direct payments?

    £1.5bn saving a year, but they predict a £10bn surplus by 2020. Well scrap these cuts and have a $5bn surplus by 2020.

    I can see a backtrack coming on this. Tory and LAbour MPs are speaking out against this, and its not leaving the news. Obsourne wont want this on his name. I give it 2 weeks before this is changed..... hoping
    Nah it won't, it's paying for the cuts in income tax rates and capital gains. The Tories don't give a flying feck for the disabled!

  6. #6

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by gurkhablue View Post
    Nah it won't, it's paying for the cuts in income tax rates and capital gains. The Tories don't give a flying feck for the disabled!
    But how are they spending more? How does it work anyone know. Or is the only answer "tory bastards"

  7. #7

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    But how are they spending more? How does it work anyone know. Or is the only answer "tory bastards"
    Simple answer - they're not.

    They just massage the figures into a nice shape until it looks how they want it to look.

  8. #8

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    Simple answer - they're not.

    They just massage the figures into a nice shape until it looks how they want it to look.
    That I can believe. On all the coverage yesterday he never equated how a £1500 cut per person can also mean maintaining spending on disabled people.

  9. #9

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    That I can believe. On all the coverage yesterday he never equated how a £1500 cut per person can also mean maintaining spending on disabled people.
    This is a particularly nasty piece of legislation. Make no mistake, it's not the so called scroungers who are being targeted, but people who have genuine long term disabilities. I understand that already thousands of disabled people, previously on DLA have lost their allowance as the new PIP rules are so strict as to make it almost impossible to be eligible.

  10. #10

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    I work as a Disability Assessor and this decision by the government will have a dramatic effect on the life of people with disabilities.

    Most people claiming the benefit for arthritic type illnesses, lower limb joint replacement difficulties and injuries to the structure of the spine will be severely penalised by this. This would affect many people who have worked their lives in low paid manual jobs that cause wear on the joints and the back.

    People in this category usually have difficulty in standing for periods of time and difficulty in standing up and bending to carry out their daily activities. They normally score for having to use aids for cooking, bathing, using the toilet, dressing and mobility. As these activities require the ability to stand, step, crouch, bend and for mobility, walking. The new rules would stop them claiming for dressing and for toilet aids. For many people with disabilities this would stop them being able to claim disability benefit as they would not reach the required score to access the benefit.

    I suspect that the reason for this this is to increase the threshold for receiving the benefit, thus reducing the number of people who can claim it. This ignores the fact that if they require aids to manage their disability over a range of activities, indicates their level of disability.

    The criteria set for qualifying for each activity is already very strict with the assessor having to prove that the claimant has difficulties which each activity that they claim difficulty with. I cannot grant a score for an activity unless there is sufficient evidence available, which would include medical evidence from their doctors, the history of the condition, that their medication is consistent for the condition, through observation and physical assessment.

  11. #11

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    How heartless are this govt willing to be towards the disabled ?
    So far they have shown no end to the depths to which they will stoop to punish people who are disabled.

  12. #12

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    It's bizarre that they target those people that already have it hard. Yet so many people still want to vote Tory. I just dont get it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    sounds like some has been badly advised , it will be reversed ,what they need to do it is go after the 0.6% who are cheating the system, what I cant understand ,as this reported 0.6% is so low why not go for them ?

  14. #14

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Shocking bunch of bullies , people thought Thatcher was bad , you wait till this lot get their way

  15. #15

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Shocking bunch of bullies , people thought Thatcher was bad , you wait till this lot get their way
    From what I understand by listening to various interviews on National radio, the Govt. isn't cutting the 'disabled' budget -they're actually increasing it. The actual merits or otherwise of this specific decision are dubious, true, but worthy of debate, not a rant..

  16. #16

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    From what I understand by listening to various interviews on National radio, the Govt. isn't cutting the 'disabled' budget -they're actually increasing it. The actual merits or otherwise of this specific decision are dubious, true, but worthy of debate, not a rant..
    Egg all over the Tory party following ducan smiths resignation, Cameron to scrap disability changes is the rumour , I will keep ranting away boyo !!

  17. #17

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    From what I understand by listening to various interviews on National radio, the Govt. isn't cutting the 'disabled' budget -they're actually increasing it. The actual merits or otherwise of this specific decision are dubious, true, but worthy of debate, not a rant..

    I am afraid you have clearly no idea of what is going on ......the change from DLA to pip and the further changes pushed through are a disgrace

    The Tory party are in deep panic ......smith doesn't care about the disabled though, he's resigned because he wants a job when Cameron backs down

    It's all about this and the EU referendum

  18. #18

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Its only a suggestion - now!.

  19. #19

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    it seems they knew the hardship it would cause, IDS included.
    "That is why we collectively agreed - you, No 10 and the Treasury - proposals which you and your department then announced a week ago," he said.
    "Today we agreed not to proceed with the policies in their current form and instead to work together to get these policies right over the coming months.
    "In the light of this, I am puzzled and disappointed that you have chosen to resign."
    Mr Cameron's letter also highlighted that they were "on different sides in the vital debate about the future of Britain's relations with Europe".

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    After reading about PIP on gov.uk, I don't understand what people are moaning about, im seeing it as the people that genuinely need the help will get it.
    I saw a disabled guy on the news the other day and he was all for it, the only thing he reckons he loses out on is help with his food shop, but he said that its fine because hes ordering online and its also given him the confidence to do other stuff.

  21. #21

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by nugent View Post
    After reading about PIP on gov.uk, I don't understand what people are moaning about, im seeing it as the people that genuinely need the help will get it.
    I saw a disabled guy on the news the other day and he was all for it, the only thing he reckons he loses out on is help with his food shop, but he said that its fine because hes ordering online and its also given him the confidence to do other stuff.
    It must have been true if a Disabled man said it on the news!

    (Mrs R told me to post that).

  22. #22

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    It must be true if Nugent comments on it.

    I always find Nugent has a fair and balanced view when it comes to politics.

    Please note I didn't use the word "informed" anywhere in the above sentence.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve R View Post
    It must have been true if a Disabled man said it on the news!

    (Mrs R told me to post that).

    that's what I like to see steve, you on the laptop while the missus is in the kitchen doing a cooked breakfast.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lower Wenvoe, Barry

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    It must be true if Nugent comments on it.

    I always find Nugent has a fair and balanced view when it comes to politics.

    Please note I didn't use the word "informed" anywhere in the above sentence.
    seriously, I am fair when it comes to politics, its just the tories always seem screwed on when it comes to the economy.

    plus as business owners, we both know if Labour get back in, corporation tax will go back up, higher earning thresholds will come down and the scroungers get a pay rise, its because of Labour, I couldn't up my rates in the construction industry for 10 years cos they let all the foreigners in working for the newly introduced minimum wage.

  25. #25

    Re: Tory scum attacking disabled again

    Quote Originally Posted by nugent View Post
    seriously, I am fair when it comes to politics, its just the tories always seem screwed on when it comes to the economy.

    plus as business owners, we both know if Labour get back in, corporation tax will go back up, higher earning thresholds will come down and the scroungers get a pay rise, its because of Labour, I couldn't up my rates in the construction industry for 10 years cos they let all the foreigners in working for the newly introduced minimum wage.
    Don't you think it would help the economy if Amazon, Google and Starbucks actually paid some corporation tax?

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