Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
I also think that the days of people driving themselves around are numbered. To an extent that I don't think my kids will ever actually learn to drive a car.
I don't see this as a negative thing though.
There will be fewer accidents, less pollution, and a whole raft of other fringe benefits.
The elderly or disabled will still be able to get around with less assistance.

I agree that people perhaps won't own cars, pools of cars will be parked in huge lots throughout the city, you'll silummon one when you need one and use it for your journey and then it'll park itself away again until it's needed again by the next person.
Our streets will be free from parked cars, people won't be responsible for keeping the vehicles in a roadworthy condition.
They'll probably be pay as you go eventually, which seems fair to me.
There will be big changes because of the the UN sustainable development goals, lets hope it's all as rosy as it sounds.