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Thread: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

  1. #1

    Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    I was nagged into accompanying The Dragon yesterday on condition we also experienced some culture (museum visit) for a change. It began badly with a beggar sat yards from the exit/entrance of Queen Street station. He looked far too clean 'n' tidy to be homeless so he got a "no fecking chance" response to a 20p for a cup of tea plea. Ditto a minute later to another chancer sat on the pavement across the road. That drew a rebuke from The Dragon 'cos he "looked nice." Within the next ten minutes, the time it took to walk to The Three Rivers pub, we had been approached by two spewdent types waving leaflets and another beggar in Park Place, female for once, who was way too clean again. She got the default response and quite a bit more for getting lippy.

    Sat outside the boozer minding my own business yet another scammer tried his luck, he was a respectable looking suited fella of about 30 of Indian appearance. He wanted to buy a fag. "Certainly," said I cordially, "how many do you want?" "Just the one, is 10p okay?" he replied. I explained that they cost me 53p each and that was the price he would have to pay. Without a word, he took to his heels.

    Hours later back on Queen Street having been issued with a familiar bollocking, I managed to ignore all the pests intent on foisting PPI, accident compo claims and Bible literature into uninterested people's mitts. That was until a street seller lady wearing full Middle Eastern dress jabbed a plastic flower in my direction. I'd seen that miserable looking unsmiling creature bothering shoppers several times prior but had given her a swerve. I suspect she understood not a word of the proceeding rant.

    Anyone else round here dread or get wound up by the Queen Street experience?

  2. #2

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    why didnt you just batter them all senseless until they dont respond any more? thats how we do things back home. and i still do in cardiff.

  3. #3

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    It would seem that you project the illusion of being a caring, helpful, well-heeled, philanthropic member of the human race.

  4. #4

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Can't say I have similar experiences there you must have that kind of face

  5. #5

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Whats that being gullible

  6. #6

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tall Midget View Post
    It would seem that you project the illusion of being a caring, helpful, well-heeled, philanthropic member of the human race.
    i care about decent folk. not scabby scroungers that refuse to support their selves. the world owes no body a living.

  7. #7

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I was nagged into accompanying The Dragon yesterday on condition we also experienced some culture (museum visit) for a change. It began badly with a beggar sat yards from the exit/entrance of Queen Street station. He looked far too clean 'n' tidy to be homeless so he got a "no fecking chance" response to a 20p for a cup of tea plea. Ditto a minute later to another chancer sat on the pavement across the road. That drew a rebuke from The Dragon 'cos he "looked nice." Within the next ten minutes, the time it took to walk to The Three Rivers pub, we had been approached by two spewdent types waving leaflets and another beggar in Park Place, female for once, who was way too clean again. She got the default response and quite a bit more for getting lippy.

    Sat outside the boozer minding my own business yet another scammer tried his luck, he was a respectable looking suited fella of about 30 of Indian appearance. He wanted to buy a fag. "Certainly," said I cordially, "how many do you want?" "Just the one, is 10p okay?" he replied. I explained that they cost me 53p each and that was the price he would have to pay. Without a word, he took to his heels.

    Hours later back on Queen Street having been issued with a familiar bollocking, I managed to ignore all the pests intent on foisting PPI, accident compo claims and Bible literature into uninterested people's mitts. That was until a street seller lady wearing full Middle Eastern dress jabbed a plastic flower in my direction. I'd seen that miserable looking unsmiling creature bothering shoppers several times prior but had given her a swerve. I suspect she understood not a word of the proceeding rant.

    Anyone else round here dread or get wound up by the Queen Street experience?
    You should have turned left out of the station and gone the scenic route.Then when you are on your way back in a better mood,give money and fags to the less well off

  8. #8

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tall Midget View Post
    It would seem that you project the illusion of being a caring, helpful, well-heeled, philanthropic member of the human race.
    I gave a fiver to a very pleasant Big Issue seller stood outside Central Market. He really was homeless (or a great storyteller). But I must admit the dough was really for his dog, a friendly Jack Russell/Patterdale Terrier cross. People who are struggling have my sympathy; con artists and piss takers don't.

  9. #9

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Can't say I have similar experiences there you must have that kind of face
    He's a midget, everyone loves a midget.

  10. #10
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
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    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    I had 90 mins to kill in Swindon on Thursday, bought a nana in Tesco extra and sat down and watched a busker doing his stuff with his guitar for about 30 mins, bloody good he was so lobbed him whatever change it was from the fiver i changed in Tesco. It can get a bit on top in town but it's a decent way to rid yourself of loose change, i'd certainly rather give it to the street boys and girls than the cheeky kents who try and and humiliate you into giving them a tip in an eating joint.

  11. #11

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    I'm not in town that often these days, but a while back, I was approached by a guy who "wanted money to help
    get his train home to Swansea" - he was walking well away from the station, so I pointed him in the right direction and walked on. I think he muttered a "thank you" - or maybe something else.
    However, a day or two later, the same guy approached me and wanted money - to get his bus home to Newport!!

    "Moved have you?" I said.

  12. #12

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    i care about decent folk. not scabby scroungers that refuse to support their selves. the world owes no body a living.
    Hey mush, please don interfere with my interaction with Organ......

  13. #13

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Phill Stants brother View Post
    He's a midget, everyone loves a midget.
    As you appear to be on my case - can I have it back?

    It raises my social standing.

  14. #14

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I gave a fiver to a very pleasant Big Issue seller stood outside Central Market. He really was homeless (or a great storyteller). But I must admit the dough was really for his dog, a friendly Jack Russell/Patterdale Terrier cross. People who are struggling have my sympathy; con artists and piss takers don't.
    Are you a vision clearance engineer who frequents Orlando, by any chance?

  15. #15

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tall Midget View Post
    As you appear to be on my case - can I have it back?

    It raises my social standing.
    Banter my short friend.

  16. #16

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Phill Stants brother View Post
    Banter my short friend.
    Well you've raised my morale at least

  17. #17

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Work in town and any walk around at lunch will undoubtedly see me turning away any number of beggars or charities. Feels like it's getting worse.

    Overheard a beggar on the train one morning, complained about how much he got the previous day and also about some bill he had through to his house. It would be interesting to know how many genuinely homeless people there are stopping you.

  18. #18

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    The first two beggars I saw yesterday looked like they had just climbed out of a bath. The third, a fat slag type, was smoking a proper cigarette and had a decent gold chain round her neck. They were all sat cross-legged on the pavement; no worldly goods like a sleeping bag with them.

    Those trying to flog stuff or raise awareness of issues would be okay if they just stood there holding something to alert people who are interested. But the hard sell approach is a nuisance and, as you remarked, getting worse by the week.

  19. #19

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    I work up the castle end of queen street and it's awful
    The combination of pound land McDonald's and blue banana bring with it the real dregs
    I also don't get the jehovas, I often who wonder who, at 8 am on a Thursday morning is convinced to become a witness based on someone standing in the street with a leaflet. And then there's another 3 sets of them further up the high street in case the first didn't convince you
    Cardiff centre is going to the dogs

  20. #20

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Phill Stants brother View Post
    He's a midget, everyone loves a midget.
    that they do

    all except tall one's

  21. #21

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Few years back me and my mate got trapped by a Water Aid charity worker stood outside the old central library on Fredrick Street, St Davids Link -

    "Excuse me lads, would you drink water from your lavatory?"

    "Well it depends, whats in it?"

    Charity Worker "Huh?"

    "Well if it was Jack Daniels I might have a go"

    Charity Worker - "No no would you drink the water from your toilet bowl? Because thats what millions of people from Africa are doing right now"

    "What they're drinking out of my toilet? I better go back right now god knows how they got in they werent in there when i left"

    Charity Worker - "No they are drinking water as dirty as toilet water"

    "So you want me to send my toilet water to Africa for them to drink?

    Charity Worker "No no, we are looking for people to donate a few pound a month"

    "I don't have any spare money we're hard up as it is..."

    Charity Worker - "So you don't say go out for a drink every week you couldn't give up the price of a pint of beer?"

    "No I don't drink", I pull out a cigarette from my pocket

    Charity Worker - "Ah but you smoke"

    "No I don't smoke" I light up the cigarette

    Charity Worker - "Whats that then?"

    "Oh god is this a cigarette I forgot I'd quit" - turn to my mate - "why didnt you stop me?"

    At this point she ran out of patience and let us go

  22. #22

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    that they do
    all except tall one's
    I note that we are bonding.

    That is a good thing.

    In the spirit of your post, may one offer the following helpful hints:

    You always want to make sure you can reach the entire window comfortably. This applies to whether you’re standing on the ground or on a ladder. Excessive strain could be the cause for all the problems you may be having, not to mention you might loose your balance and fall. To check your reach, stand in front of the window. Without actually touching the glass, take your squeegee in hand and wave it over the entire window to see if you can reach it with one even swipe. If it feels comfortable, proceed with cleaning. If the entire window cannot be reached, you may need a bigger ladder, an extension pole, or will need to clean it in small sections at a time. Unless you’ve had a lot of practice using an extension pole, you should stick to doing the window in small sections.

    If Wide streaks appear after a single pass with the squeegee this may be because the squeegee might be pressed against the glass too hard with each pass. So relax your grip a little and pull the squeegee across the glass with a lighter amount of pressure. Alternatively, a section of the water on the glass has dried before it was squeegeed. A partially dried window will streak every time. Just re-wet the glass with more window cleaning solution and squeegee it again. Streaks can also be caused from an old or worn out squeegee rubber. Try replacing the old rubber blade with a brand new one.

    Do so hope you find these tips helpful and keep you out of those nasty places that have midget-tossing competitions, 'cos that's where you're heading mush....

  23. #23

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tall Midget View Post
    I note that we are bonding.

    That is a good thing.

    In the spirit of your post, may one offer the following helpful hints:

    You always want to make sure you can reach the entire window comfortably. This applies to whether you’re standing on the ground or on a ladder. Excessive strain could be the cause for all the problems you may be having, not to mention you might loose your balance and fall. To check your reach, stand in front of the window. Without actually touching the glass, take your squeegee in hand and wave it over the entire window to see if you can reach it with one even swipe. If it feels comfortable, proceed with cleaning. If the entire window cannot be reached, you may need a bigger ladder, an extension pole, or will need to clean it in small sections at a time. Unless you’ve had a lot of practice using an extension pole, you should stick to doing the window in small sections.

    If Wide streaks appear after a single pass with the squeegee this may be because the squeegee might be pressed against the glass too hard with each pass. So relax your grip a little and pull the squeegee across the glass with a lighter amount of pressure. Alternatively, a section of the water on the glass has dried before it was squeegeed. A partially dried window will streak every time. Just re-wet the glass with more window cleaning solution and squeegee it again. Streaks can also be caused from an old or worn out squeegee rubber. Try replacing the old rubber blade with a brand new one.

    Do so hope you find these tips helpful and keep you out of those nasty places that have midget-tossing competitions, 'cos that's where you're heading mush....
    thanks for your tips, i am afraid to urinate on your chips

    I havent used a squeegee for 12 years

    If you google " water fed pole " you will see what i use

    I have even been able to afford a van to carry the water tank pushing the boundaries of success that is

    as you are slightly interested, i can currently work at 70 ft from the ground ( 75 ft at a push, but that really is pushing it ) my current highest window is around the 60 ft mark in Oxford

  24. #24

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    thanks for your tips, i am afraid to urinate on your chips

    I havent used a squeegee for 12 years

    If you google " water fed pole " you will see what i use

    I have even been able to afford a van to carry the water tank pushing the boundaries of success that is

    as you are slightly interested, i can currently work at 70 ft from the ground ( 75 ft at a push, but that really is pushing it ) my current highest window is around the 60 ft mark in Oxford
    I knew all along you weren't a proper window cleaner. It was just a matter of teasing it out of you.

    I also know how the 'pole-pushers' are regarded in the trade. Having seen a blind man attempt to negotiate the snaking pipes of the pole pushers across the pavement of a shopping mall, I'm astonished that you can hold your head high.

    Be honest, pole pushing is just a way of not grafting.....

  25. #25

    Re: Queen Street has become very f***ing annoying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tall Midget View Post
    I knew all along you weren't a proper window cleaner. It was just a matter of teasing it out of you.

    I also know how the 'pole-pushers' are regarded in the trade. Having seen a blind man attempt to negotiate the snaking pipes of the pole pushers across the pavement of a shopping mall, I'm astonished that you can hold your head high.
    I will be absolutely serious here

    I used to clean off a ladder, this is how it went

    every day you risked falling, the ladder slipping etc etc and a average house would take me 45 mins for then 10 quid

    now look at the WFP route, no risk to me, or the public, i use a trolley system and decant from my tank in the van to my trolley, so no hoses over pavements and very low risk to anyone, yet the clincher for me, that 45 min job is down to 15 - 20 mins

    its a no-brainier for me, almost tripled my income over night

    now add to it the fact i can work in high winds, down to 2 C temps ( though WFP does struggle in the heat, the glass drys too quick , though cleaning the traditional way wasnt fun on the hot days either ) AND clean upto 70 ft high, all from the ground

    Oh and dont confuse me with the idiots who clean shopping centers ( though i do clean a few ), they will be working for a company earning 9 quid a hour and not really care about the end product, one thing i do is a fairly decent job

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