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Thread: You can keep New Labour

  1. #1

    You can keep New Labour

    As an experiment it proved to have been a complete disaster. Now a realignment is underway.


  2. #2

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Lib Dems should be capitalising on this, and taking the middle ground Labour MPs onto their side. Labour is going back to it roots, and rightly so. Its about time there was a proper middle ground party. Lib Dems should be in power as much as LAb and Tory, but they have not made the most of any opportunity given to them.

    Labour are not and should not be a middle ground party.

  3. #3

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Lib Dems should be capitalising on this, and taking the middle ground Labour MPs onto their side. Labour is going back to it roots, and rightly so. Its about time there was a proper middle ground party. Lib Dems should be in power as much as LAb and Tory, but they have not made the most of any opportunity given to them.

    Labour are not and should not be a middle ground party.
    Maybe , just maybe, we are seeing a shift of the traditional middle ground to the left? People are fed up with the politics of the last 20 years or so, the disasters, unjustifiable wars, austerity, selling off state assets to the private sector, etc, etc, etc.

  4. #4

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    Maybe , just maybe, we are seeing a shift of the traditional middle ground to the left? People are fed up with the politics of the last 20 years or so, the disasters, unjustifiable wars, austerity, selling off state assets to the private sector, etc, etc, etc.
    "People" voted in a Tory government not long ago, hardly the actions of people who are against austerity, state assets being sold off etc, etc, etc.

  5. #5

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    Maybe , just maybe, we are seeing a shift of the traditional middle ground to the left? People are fed up with the politics of the last 20 years or so, the disasters, unjustifiable wars, austerity, selling off state assets to the private sector, etc, etc, etc.
    I dont think there is a shift as such. More a left with a louder voice/a chance to get people to listen to their voice. A large minority of left voters who dont feel represented that finally have a voice in JC. There is still a middle ground. JC has reengaged many left voters who have felt disillusioned by the modern politics, and the right wing New Labour. Though the majority are still centre.

    Labour have a place to represent the working class, I don't think they can win elections with a 2 party system if they go to the left. It needs the Libs to take back the centre ground and to take some of the votes from Tory and some Labour votes to get a 3 party system, Labour could then get the largest share of the vote, but without a stronger LibDem party Labour wont be able to hold power of they do shift to the left.

  6. #6
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    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    Maybe , just maybe, we are seeing a shift of the traditional middle ground to the left? People are fed up with the politics of the last 20 years or so, the disasters, unjustifiable wars, austerity, selling off state assets to the private sector, etc, etc, etc.
    ^^^^^^^^^ Yup. well sort of

  7. #7

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    "People" voted in a Tory government not long ago, hardly the actions of people who are against austerity, state assets being sold off etc, etc, etc.
    Not quite true. Back in 2010 most were convinced people on benefits were workshy scroungers, benefit fraud was widespread, public sector wastage was ridiculous. The media were successful in getting people to think along those lines. Who do the media support generally? Yes, the Conservatives.

    While it's not remotely likely, if Corbyn's proposals and ideas were allowed to have mainstream media approval and could be forced down the throats of the public, it's likely the public would believe that too and vote him in as next PM.

    I think what I'm saying is that the majority of the public are gullible when it comes to politics. Don't confuse voting for a party as an endorsement with voting for a party because they have been to an extent brainwashed into it.

  8. #8

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Not quite true. Back in 2010 most were convinced people on benefits were workshy scroungers, benefit fraud was widespread, public sector wastage was ridiculous. The media were successful in getting people to think along those lines. Who do the media support generally? Yes, the Conservatives.

    While it's not remotely likely, if Corbyn's proposals and ideas were allowed to have mainstream media approval and could be forced down the throats of the public, it's likely the public would believe that too and vote him in as next PM.

    I think what I'm saying is that the majority of the public are gullible when it comes to politics. Don't confuse voting for a party as an endorsement with voting for a party because they have been to an extent brainwashed into it.
    Do you think the majority of Labour voters are gullible with respect to Corbin as well Eric??

  9. #9

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    As an experiment it proved to have been a complete disaster. Now a realignment is underway.

    Eeeerrr that would be the New Labour which won an unprecedented 3 General Elections in a row would it ?

    The disaster was that Brown was a poor Prime Minister and he was followed by the wrong Milliband who was
    followed by " Steptoe " Corbyn.

    I've voted Labour all my life but I doubt I'll see another Labour PM before I pop my clogs.

  10. #10

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall in '89 was a consensus shifter and it was inevitable that the Labour party had to move to the right to prosper at that point in history. And it worked. New Labour was in electoral terms largely successful.

    However the global financial crisis has been another consensus shifter. The Tories used 'austerity' measures in an ideological way to attack the state and to place the burden on those at the lower end of the social spectrum while protecting the interests of the rich. Labour should have shifted leftwards at that point to protect its own people but it didn't - and that's why it lost the last election. And that's why people have subsequently flocked to Corbyn. If Miliband had had the guts to fight the last election on an anti-austerity platform he might have won and Corbyn wouldn't be in charge now.

    The current tensions in the Labour Party are a direct result of this failure to realign. The MPs who won their seats on a Miliband ticket are hanging on like grim death to their careers, salaries, and perks while Labour Party members have done the correct thing (in my opinion) in pushing the party back to the left. The only problem is Corbyn himself. I can't imagine the blue-rinse brigade in the south east of England ever voting for him. And he can't insist on unity in his own party because he has never been loyal himself. He's not much of a speaker. And he is toothless at PMs questions. That said, I hope he beats Smith. The ongoing "Get Corbyn" campaign in the media has been a disgrace - especially at the supposedly impartial BBC - so it would be great if he wins.

    But yeah, New Labour has had its day.

  11. #11

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabalphaville View Post
    The Fall of the Berlin Wall in '89 was a consensus shifter and it was inevitable that the Labour party had to move to the right to prosper at that point in history. And it worked. New Labour was in electoral terms largely successful.

    However the global financial crisis has been another consensus shifter. The Tories used 'austerity' measures in an ideological way to attack the state and to place the burden on those at the lower end of the social spectrum while protecting the interests of the rich. Labour should have shifted leftwards at that point to protect its own people but it didn't - and that's why it lost the last election. And that's why people have subsequently flocked to Corbyn. If Miliband had had the guts to fight the last election on an anti-austerity platform he might have won and Corbyn wouldn't be in charge now.

    The current tensions in the Labour Party are a direct result of this failure to realign. The MPs who won their seats on a Miliband ticket are hanging on like grim death to their careers, salaries, and perks while Labour Party members have done the correct thing (in my opinion) in pushing the party back to the left. The only problem is Corbyn himself. I can't imagine the blue-rinse brigade in the south east of England ever voting for him. And he can't insist on unity in his own party because he has never been loyal himself. He's not much of a speaker. And he is toothless at PMs questions. That said, I hope he beats Smith. The ongoing "Get Corbyn" campaign in the media has been a disgrace - especially at the supposedly impartial BBC - so it would be great if he wins.

    But yeah, New Labour has had its day.
    I think people see the flaws with Corbyn but also admire the fact that he is one of the very few conviction politicians in parliament today. Politics is a bit like telling a good joke, timing is everything and with something like 85% of the CLP's throwing their support behind him, it looks to me like it is Corbyn's time right now.

  12. #12

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    I certainly hope he completes the process of realigning the Labour Party.

  13. #13

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    No doubt he will win the Labour leadership election.
    Then Labour will get anilhilated in the next election.

  14. #14

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    There will 600 instead of the current 650 constituency seats up for grabs at the next General Election due to boundary changes. Many sitting Labour MPs will face reselection and presuming Corbyn wins the leadership his supporters will be determined to remove arch-Blairites and other prominent backstabbers.

  15. #15
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    May 2008

    Re: You can keep New Labour

    Oh dear,the Jessiah been caught telling porkies


    Honest my arse.

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