Quote Originally Posted by شهرستان کاردیف View Post
An independent wales would play this game. Giving all sorts of gimmicks to entice people in.

Like crap like the below.


Twenty eight jobs are being created with a £1m investment in a new cold steel rolling mill in south Wales.
Caledan, based in Hengoed, Caerphilly county, is backed by £134,000 from the Welsh Government.

Giving private companies tax payers money just to move here.

28 jobs. Yipeeeeeeeeeee

I can't imagine what they gave Aston Martin to make a factory here.

Ireland is the EU's problem. They want to be a member of the EU so they should live under their rules. You can't have it all.

They were just another bankrupt EU failure until recently. They aren't exactly out of it yet either.

Like stuff like this LOL:


The irish people would hate to live with westminster dictating to them. Yet they love the eu. Don't cry lads. This is the EU family you all love. They would hate westiminsters as they would play by their rules, only benefiting england I would imagine. Yet everything ireland has done since independence has been to basically cheat their way to economic growth.
They should have stayed part of the British empire shouldn't they?

That potato famine thing was all their fault for being fussy eaters.

The bounders eh?