Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
The Russian base is in Tartous a port that I have been to many times. Tartous itself is of very little importance, when I had to go there we had to stay in Safita which was about 10 kilometres away with the nearest decent hotel.

The notion that Russia was ever going to give up its only warm water/deep water port in the world, was completely naive on the part of the neo-con movers and shakers in Washington. Putin has drawn a line in the sand and is now getting back up from China in the region.

Iran has already provided air bases for Russian planes to use, Chinese, Syrian and Russian senior military are coordinating activity together in Damascus. We are living in very dangerous times and yet still the fools in London and Washington are trying to push for boots on the ground in Syria.
I meant to add this to the post. The leaked Wikileaks email, "tick tock" last week shows the extent of the involvement of Hillary Clinton plus Ukrainian coup plotter Victoria Nuland, had in bring down Libya.


Few people are aware that arms and weapons from the former Libyan army were shipped to America's proxy army, ISIS in Syria.