Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock, there's two for starters.

Labour party membership is currently around the 515,000 mark - let's say 400,000 of them support Corbyn (a generous estimate I would have thought).


Foot I'm not so sure about and Kinnock used his parliamentary career to feather his own nest with an estimated £10 million for him and his wife. He also set the wheels in motion for Blair to abandon traditional Labour values and principles, in order to take the so-called 'center ground' of politics. In other words Labour became New Labour which was basically Tory lite.

Last year there were 44,722,000 people in the UK eligible to vote in parliamentary elections.

I was trained in analysis and I don't understand any form of analysis which includes numbers that were not involved. In business there's no such thing as, profit you haven't had. The same applies in political analysis. Trying to measure people who did not vote at all and then using that number to make a point against actual voting numbers is absurd. You could do that same measurement using all who did vote, as that is logical and far more accurate e.g.

Conservatives 11,334,576 36.9%

63.1% of those that voted, did not vote for the Conservatives in the last election.

Labour members signalled a time of change when they voted Corbyn in as leader, 85% of the CLP's back Corbyn as leader, the polls show he will return as leader with an increased majority and a higher percentage of the vote. I for one am sick to death with seeing careerists parachuted into Labour seats by a process governed by Labour HQ instead of local selection. Each candidate that applies has to be approved and mentored to by Labour HQ and that has resulted in some appalling choices of people to become MP's.

Blairism has to be eradicated once and for all. The Blairites have to go, along with all those who built their careers on that bandwagon.
Right. so what you're basically saying is that as long as the 0.89% are happy, nothing else matters - you're the one talking absurdities.