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Thread: People who eat at McDonalds

  1. #51

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    It's not just the cost it's sometimes more convenient.
    Cooking meals from scratch every night is tough going when you've got two working parents and some kind of after school club / activity to run the kids around to every night.

  2. #52

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    They manage to take their kids to Maccy D's
    Because there's one right round the corner and the kids love going there.

  3. #53

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    Easily. How much garlic would you use? 2, maybe 3 cloves - a bulb costs 35p! Two tins of chopped tomatoes - 75p. Two peppers from a good greengrocer - £1 (you wouldn't need more than two). £2, perhaps £2.50. Add another pepper if you like - call it £3.50

    500g Meat - £3.50
    Pasta - £1.50
    Tomatoes - 75p
    Peppers - £1.50 (assuming you are buying 3)
    Garlic - 35p (you'll use about 10p worth!)
    Bacon - £3

    A little over a tenner to feed a family of four. If your family of four is eating for less than a tenner at McDonald's - well done. Just avoid adding salt, because it's already been added for taste
    And the total veg here is 3/4 pepper per person (assuming we're not bothering with leftovers now). How about onions, mushrooms, etc? In the one above, there's just carrots and I'm afraid I don't call that nutritious.

    I'm not knocking home cooking, like I said I prefer it and do it, but if you actually want to make it healthy then it gets expensive. I really don't think I'm saving big money by cooking at home.

  4. #54
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Because there's one right round the corner and the kids love going there.
    Lazy parenting, obesity is a big problem in the UK and for that matter the USA, my lad at 8 was getting too fat, I took him to one side and had a chat to him about it, it really upset him at the time and was in tears crying to his mum that i'd had a pop at him about his weight, at 23 his height to weight ratio is spot on, keeps himself fit, eats healthily and cares for his own well being. I despise supermarkets putting all their shit at the counter knowing that kids will nag their parents whilst queuing to pay, governments talk a load of bollox about obesity, there is lots they could do regarding this but are in the pockets of the food giants thus just make sound bites, it's as if they want the population to kill itself early!!

  5. #55

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    And the total veg here is 3/4 pepper per person (assuming we're not bothering with leftovers now). How about onions, mushrooms, etc? In the one above, there's just carrots and I'm afraid I don't call that nutritious.

    I'm not knocking home cooking, like I said I prefer it and do it, but if you actually want to make it healthy then it gets expensive. I really don't think I'm saving big money by cooking at home.
    Veg really doesn't cost that much - you buy veg for a week to cover a number of meals. If you're only cooking one or two meals a week, I agree it could become expensive. If you're cooking throughout the week (as I do, and with a variety of veg) then you spread the cost over the week. A family of four eating at McDonald's (1 meal per day) would cost £100 or more. My shopping bill is £70 tops - we have good cuts of meat, a varied selection of vegetables. With the fruit we eat, we are very close to the "5 a Day" mantra - there may be the odd day where we only get 3/4 a day.

    For any of the meals above you can add any vegetable for less than £1. Veg isn't the thing that makes home cooking expensive, infrequently cooking is what makes home cooking expensive.

    All I am saying is that you can easily eat more nutritiously at home than eating at Macdonald's. And, I'd be amazed if eating out every day is comparable in price to eating at home every day.

  6. #56

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Lazy parenting, obesity is a big problem in the UK and for that matter the USA, my lad at 8 was getting too fat, I took him to one side and had a chat to him about it, it really upset him at the time and was in tears crying to his mum that i'd had a pop at him about his weight, at 23 his height to weight ratio is spot on, keeps himself fit, eats healthily and cares for his own well being. I despise supermarkets putting all their shit at the counter knowing that kids will nag their parents whilst queuing to pay, governments talk a load of bollox about obesity, there is lots they could do regarding this but are in the pockets of the food giants thus just make sound bites, it's as if they want the population to kill itself early!!
    I don't think it's as simple as lazy parenting. Although, I'm not denying that lazy parenting exists. I think it has more to do with what you say at the end of your comment, governments that do little or nothing to protect the masses from poverty and from being exploited by large corporations.

  7. #57

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by PerryJason View Post
    Looks like I may have rattled a few cages with this thread 'oh he works there' 'oh he eats there' - fatties ganging up on me
    You've been the victim of a mcflurry of whoooshes

  8. #58

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    It's easy to criticise people for going to fast food restaurants and for being overweight, but rather than criticise, people need to be encouraged to cook healthily.

    One of the best websites, probably the best actually, for cooking on a very limited budget is this one https://cookingonabootstrap.com

  9. #59
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by neilw65 View Post
    It's easy to criticise people for going to fast food restaurants and for being overweight, but rather than criticise, people need to be encouraged to cook healthily.

    One of the best websites, probably the best actually, for cooking on a very limited budget is this one https://cookingonabootstrap.com
    Of course it's easy, everyone on here is perfect, didn't you know?

  10. #60
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    McDonalds is the 38th biggest economy in the world.

    McDonalds is the biggest toy distributor in the USA.

    One in eight American adults have worked for McDonalds at some time in their lives.

    McDonalds is an evil empire.

  11. #61

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    McDonalds is the 38th biggest economy in the world.

    McDonalds is the biggest toy distributor in the USA.

    One in eight American adults have worked for McDonalds at some time in their lives.

    McDonalds is an evil empire.
    Completely agree. What is worrying is the way that their sponsorship of the such sporting events as the Olympics makes it seem acceptable.

  12. #62

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Of course it's easy, everyone on here is perfect, didn't you know?

    Fair point, it must have slipped my mind

  13. #63

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

  14. #64

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Cærdiffi View Post
    end of.

  15. #65

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Cærdiffi View Post
    Is the guy next to her puking?

  16. #66

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Cærdiffi View Post
    Not McDonald's.

  17. #67

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Obesity costs the UK about £5Billion annually.
    It's cheaper than renovating the houses of parliament

  18. #68

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Speaking from experience it is hard going but you have to plan your meals and take time to prepare.

    Your freezer is your best ally💯👍

  19. #69
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    Mar 2016

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by PerryJason View Post
    They are a bit common and oh slightly overweight and unkempt. Anyone else noticed? - McDonalds, the food for fat lazy chavs
    People who usually eat at McDonalds tend to be hungry , and in a dash. Business people travelling, holidaying families at service station. I'm no big fan however it's filled an emergency hole and always provides a clean toilet stop .

    God rest McDonalds , and thanks for being there when I need you , for a quick scoff and poo.,

  20. #70

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    People who usually eat at McDonalds tend to be hungry , and in a dash. Business people travelling, holidaying families at service station. I'm no big fan however it's filled an emergency hole and always provides a clean toilet stop .

    God rest McDonalds , and thanks for being there when I need you , for a quick scoff and poo.,
    If you carried a camping stove and kettle around with you and a bag with chicken fillets, lemons, spices and potatoes you could then shit in the bag after you've had your meal

  21. #71

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Got a bad head from quaffing Peroni & Black Rat cider in the City Arms.

    Just eaten 3 sausage mcmuffins and the litre of Coke which came with it.

    Off for a lie down on the couch with a couple of bottles of wine.

    I'll hand myself in the the moral police in the morning to confess my sins.

  22. #72
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    Mar 2016

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    McDonalds is the 38th biggest economy in the world.

    McDonalds is the biggest toy distributor in the USA.

    One in eight American adults have worked for McDonalds at some time in their lives.

    McDonalds is an evil empire.
    Evil indeed , I can think of more evil regimes/ empires , now and in the past, although this one is not to everyone's liking , at least this alleged evil empire provides jobs, as well as making money ?

    Try some of these
    Hitler, Amin. Pol Pot , Charles Taylor, Saddam, Pinochet, not sure what there shakes/toilets were like ??

    Wheres Wimpy when you need em

  23. #73

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Evil indeed , I can think of more evil regimes/ empires , now and in the past, although this one is not to everyone's liking , at least this alleged evil empire provides jobs, as well as making money ?

    Try some of these
    Hitler, Amin. Pol Pot , Charles Taylor, Saddam, Pinochet, not sure what there shakes/toilets were like ??

    Wheres Wimpy when you need em
    Ate at a Wimpy last month in Brean Sands.

    Classy ****er me.

  24. #74

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Anyone seen this series?
    eal eye-opener for budget meals.


  25. #75

    Re: People who eat at McDonalds

    Most fit people I know eat at Mcds occasionally.

    It really is better than a takeaway from your local area. Health terms.

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