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Thread: What's the purpose of the police?

  1. #1

    What's the purpose of the police?

    It was reported in the papers this week that the police told a woman who had her ipad stolen to go the house where she thought it was and get it back herself. That's just mad. I can remember reading a book by Geoff Thompson, a martial artist and a seriously hard man, how he did just that when someone stole from him. It was such a dangerous thing to do that even he was frightened.

    It seems to me that Jack Warner's PC George Dixon is long gone. Today the police have just two main roles. The first is to protect the criminals. If the police weren't there the criminals would suffer street justice just like they do in Third World countries where law and order has broken down. The other is to enforce the social changes dictated by the traitors and thieves in Parliament.

    A top policeman once told me that theft wasn't really a police problem it is a civil problem. Theft doesn't threaten social stability or the safety of people he said. A country isn't any poorer if X has £100 of Y's stuff because the country as a whole still has £100 of stuff. I know that sounds stupid to most of us but that is how some senior policemen think.

    I am not a police hater. I think there are still some great policemen still out there but they are not being helped by their bosses

  2. #2

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    May as well be called the Hate Crime Police now.

    As that is all the media and people care about.

    But really I think the UK publics relationship with the police is miles better than in most countries.

  3. #3

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    I thought they were just too busy dealing with TV licencing and house repossession issues.

  4. #4
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by شهرستان کاردیف View Post
    May as well be called the Hate Crime Police now.

    As that is all the media and people care about.

    But really I think the UK publics relationship with the police is miles better than in most countries.
    Blame 'Critical theory' the ongoing tweaking of society, Definitely not to be confused with critical thinking.

  5. #5

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Was certainly an odd case. To know where the device is, and be told "You go get it, we cant go get it" seems atrocious and this case should be reported to the police commissioner. Its not like its a hard job, but it could have easily escalated into something serious if they didnt attend and let the girl go get it.

  6. #6

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    It was reported in the papers this week that the police told a woman who had her ipad stolen to go the house where she thought it was and get it back herself. That's just mad. I can remember reading a book by Geoff Thompson, a martial artist and a seriously hard man, how he did just that when someone stole from him. It was such a dangerous thing to do that even he was frightened.

    It seems to me that Jack Warner's PC George Dixon is long gone. Today the police have just two main roles. The first is to protect the criminals. If the police weren't there the criminals would suffer street justice just like they do in Third World countries where law and order has broken down. The other is to enforce the social changes dictated by the traitors and thieves in Parliament.

    A top policeman once told me that theft wasn't really a police problem it is a civil problem. Theft doesn't threaten social stability or the safety of people he said. A country isn't any poorer if X has £100 of Y's stuff because the country as a whole still has £100 of stuff. I know that sounds stupid to most of us but that is how some senior policemen think.

    I am not a police hater. I think there are still some great policemen still out there but they are not being helped by their bosses
    The police's main function is to protect the state and the establishment, not to protect the citizens of the state.

  7. #7

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
    The police's main function is to protect the state and the establishment, not to protect the citizens of the state.
    That is what it has become in the UK, but they didn't start out that way. The main function of the police used to be "to prevent crime and disorder". That means police walking the streets protecting people and property. The proactive part of the policeman's job has vanished. I believe politicians have engineered this because most of them are crooks - albeit white-collar ones.


  8. #8

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Blame 'Critical theory' the ongoing tweaking of society, Definitely not to be confused with critical thinking.
    You have more chance of being injured falling off a ladder or down some steps than being affected by 'hate crime.' It's a media/establishment invention which serves a useful function in providing tax payers's money to anti-hate organisations, most of which are full of people who hate others.

  9. #9
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
    You have more chance of being injured falling off a ladder or down some steps than being affected by 'hate crime.' It's a media/establishment invention which serves a useful function in providing tax payers's money to anti-hate organisations, most of which are full of people who hate others.
    How long have we known each other and been talking about this stuff David? you know I already know that, I also know that you know the aim is governance through managed conflict, what I don't understand is why you still stick to one side and are so anti right-wing when you know how it all works?

  10. #10

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    How long have we known each other and been talking about this stuff David? you know I already know that, I also know that you know the aim is governance through managed conflict, what I don't understand is why you still stick to one side and are so anti right-wing when you know how it all works?
    Because as you well know, I'm not interested on which gormless set of left/right paradigms dance on the stage. I want to identify the technicians behind the stage spotlight, the ones who pull the strings.

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
    Because as you well know, I'm not interested on which gormless set of left/right paradigms dance on the stage. I want to identify the technicians behind the stage spotlight, the ones who pull the strings.
    What about the Jeremy Corbyn love in? you called goslow the extreme right-wing leader of the cyber death squad this morning (you and him have a lot in common when you are not at each others throats) I know it's a hard habit to get out of but sometimes we are just helping them.

  12. #12

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    What about the Jeremy Corbyn love in? you called goslow the extreme right-wing leader of the cyber death squad this morning (you and him have a lot in common when you are not at each others throats) I know it's a hard habit to get out of but sometimes we are just helping them.

  13. #13

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    What about the Jeremy Corbyn love in? you called goslow the extreme right-wing leader of the cyber death squad this morning (you and him have a lot in common when you are not at each others throats) I know it's a hard habit to get out of but sometimes we are just helping them.
    I rarely disagree with you Mrs R but rest assured I have nothing in common with him. It is your perception that there are areas of common ground.

    Jeremy Corbyn had the guts to flag up that there was something seriously amiss allowing a growing pro-Zionist faction to develop in Labour. Labour has always had Jewish support but in the main they were people who believed in a two-state solution and were not self-declared Zionists.

    There is no such thing as a two-state solution in Zionist political ideology or history. Palestinians will be brutally suppressed and occupied as a people as far as Zionists are concerned for ever.

    Corbyn was one of the few in parliament who understood what lay behind the charm offensive and the money. Blair went with that, ditched Labour's traditional support for the Palestinian cause and embraced Zionism.

  14. #14

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    It is obvious that the "Israel first" crowd are the ones who are trying hardest to remove Corbyn. Some of these Labour MPs seem to think they are representing constituents in Israel rather than British people who have little interest in Middle Eastern politics.

  15. #15
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    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Their purpose is to Police a thankless society, and we are have a force that is the envy of the world, like everything else in life we have good or bad ,right and wrong, in the main they do the job .

    Strangely if we had a society that had exemplary behaviours we would not need em.

  16. #16

    Re: What's the purpose of the police?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    It is obvious that the "Israel first" crowd are the ones who are trying hardest to remove Corbyn. Some of these Labour MPs seem to think they are representing constituents in Israel rather than British people who have little interest in Middle Eastern politics.


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