Quote Originally Posted by Blue in the Face View Post
I really don't like the film The Prestige, but I do have a vendetta for the filmmaker Christopher Nolan who I think is a patronising and ego driven director, albeit very very talented. The film suffers from Nolan's achilles heel which is his necessity to get one over on his audience and load the story with twists and ex-machinas. The end result for me is you come out of (some of) his films feeling like the characters aren't real and only there to prop up the hyper active plots. So I never feel there's enough substance. I do like The Dark Knight though!

The Tesla element in The Prestige is interesting and it plays on the mythical element of his character very well. Unfortunately the film doesn't have room to give you anything of his story though. He really deserves a full on biopic in his own right. There's lots of conspiratorial elements to the Tesla story in real life. It seems he was messed over and ripped off by very powerful people. The end of his life is a tragic too. He died, bankrupt and possibly down trodden and crazy....
He needs a thread of his own too yeah it's sad, these super brainy people often end up going a bit mad, I'm expecting to go the same way.